The History of Salford’s Lost Art Deco Gem

& the People Involved in its Life

1928 - 2004

Architect John Knight's signed watercolour concept painting of the 

"Imposing" façade of his latest cinema design, the Ambassador Super Cinema built in 1928. 

Image courtesy of North West Film Archive (NWFA)

In 2001 a group of enthusiastic locals formed a movement to try and save the Ambassador Super Cinema on Langworthy Road in Pendleton, Salford.  They called themselves "The Ambassador Project" and this is the story of the Ambassador.


This site is dedicated to the valiant efforts made to save the Ambassador Cinema, despite facing overwhelming odds. These included the influence of big business, an apathetic council, the indifference of the local MP, and the unfortunate role played by English Heritage. Their actions were instrumental in the delisting and eventual loss of this wonderful building.

the Ambassador was here...

The map to the right (or below, if you're viewing on a mobile device) shows the approximate location of where the Ambassador Cinema once stood.


The site is now occupied by residential flats, ironically named Cinema House and Odeon House.