Opening Night Souvenir Programme

Monday 24th  December 1928

    On Christmas Eve, the Ambassador Super Cinema was inaugurated by the Mayor of Salford, Councillor A. H. Collins, who enthusiastically declared, "I am delighted! Salford has played second fiddle to Manchester for too long. We now have a cinema comparable to any in Manchester!"

    The evening's three-hour entertainment program featured two films: "Vaudeville," starring Emil Jannings and Lya De Putti (original title: Varieté 1925), and "Enemies of Society," starring Conway Teal and Margaret Morris. Musical performances were delivered by John Hughes and Madame Edna Melling, accompanied by The Ambassador Orchestra under the skilled direction of Mr. Arthur L. Ward, who was also one of the three main directors of Read, Snape, and Ward.

    During the intermission and organ interlude, patrons were captivated by the performances of organists Mr. Norman Cocker and Mr. Reginald Liversidge, who skillfully played a selection of both popular and classical music on the "Rex Gloria" cinema organ.

    All proceeds from the opening gala were donated to the dependents of the two men, John Gannon and John Gregg, who tragically lost their lives during the excavation of the cinema's foundations. 

      It was reported in the Manchester Evening News - Tuesday 05 March 1929, "Dependents of the two men killed during the erection of the Ambassador Cinema Pendleton shared £112 1s*., which was raised by a benefit performance at the cinema."


* This would be worth the equivalent of £8,128 in today’s money. The average weekly pay for a building labourer in 1929 was around 11 shillings and 6 pence, (worth £44.93 today).

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Facsimile copy of the original Souvenir Programme from the Charity Gala opening on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 1928.


NOTE: The inside front page ad, along with the "Evening's Programme" * pages and the back page ad, have been included for *historical and design purposes. All other pages are 100% original and have been digitally enhanced to preserve their authenticity